We can't wait to meet you!
worship Schedule
Sunday, March 23, 2025
8AM Spoken Eucharist, Church Nave
10AM Choral Eucharist, Rite II Bulletin
You can worship with us via Livestream
Learn about Sunday's Music - Dr Anne's Blog
Morning prayer
Online Wednesdays & Saturdays
8:30AM in Grace Zoom
worship resources
lENTen Opportunities
Wednesdays 6:30-7PM
An opportunity to follow Jesus' steps from his condemnation to his crucifixion, walking from station to station with prayers. After the last station, will light a candle for a final prayer. Please join us for this experience.
Bible Study, Fridays, 11AM-12PM
Join Father Robert for a Bible Together, we will explore the appointed reading for the coming Sunday. This informal discussion is sure to add depth to your worship experience.
Fridays 12:15-12:45 PM Schedule
March 14 Anthony Hammond Bach, Vierne & Saint-Martin
March 21 Evalyn Cogswell Women Composers
Mother Susan and Father Robert are happy to meet with you privately for any pastoral care need or to celebrate the Rite of Reconciliation with you this Lent.
Lenten Evensong
Saturday, April 5, 5PM
Music by Jessica French, Joanna Forbes L’Estrange and Kinley Lange. Candlelight service sung by Grace Church combined choirs and friends.
Grace Gatherings
Circle of Women
Tuesday, March 25, 7PM
This group which is part book club, part support group and a safe place to explore our beliefs and feelings. Contact us with any questions.
Men's Gathering
Tuesday, April 8, 7PM
You are invited to this monthly gathering for conversation, fellowship, and prayer in Grace Library. Contact us for more information
Monday, April 21, 7PM
Join us for the discussion about I Heard Her Call My Name by Lucy Santé
Email us with any questions.
Men's Book Group
Tuesday, April 15, 7:30PM
Join the conversation. We meet offsite, email for meeting info.
Stewardship 2025

Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God.
- Colossians 3:17
Every year at this time as we establish a ministry budget for the coming year, we ask God to grant us wisdom, and we ask God to provide for this holy work. And God answers that prayer by sending you. We never take your generosity for granted and are humbled that you share with us in this holy work. As you consider your pledge to Grace Church, we hope you consider the ways that God has blessed your life, and how your life is a blessing to others. And how all of it gives glory to God. Grace indeed!